Frequently Asked Questions:
Due to the fact we were selling out of a lot of our hunts 1.5 years or more in advance and having to turn down so many hunters we came up with a well thought out plan on how to take more hunters. In December of 2014 we bought a 17,000 square foot school 90 miles west of our main lodge and have turned it into a hunting camp. This school has a full court basketball court, indoor archery range, game room with pool table, flat screen TVs, very spacious bedrooms and much much more. The deer and turkey hunting at Whitetail Heaven West is some of the best in the world and is very similar to what you will find at our main lodge!
What is your all's success rate?
Well, that’s a great question and varies drastically from week to week because the whitetail deer is such a weather-driven animal. We have weeks where every hunter in camp gets a shot at a trophy buck and weeks where the weather is super hot or wet and hardly anyone does. Overall when the weather cooperates shot opportunity is approx 60-70% with early season, super late season, and rut hunts generally having the highest success.
When's the best time to come hunt with you all?
Our 4 favorite times of the year to hunt whitetails in our areas is the early season meaning within the first 10 days of the season which is early September, the pre-rut in late October, the Rut in November and the late season when the bucks get predictable again due to the cold weather and our cool season food plots.
How was this past season?
Our best ever!
Since you shot so many bucks how do you think next season will be?
We get asked that question after every season because every season is so good!
Do you bait?
We do bait in Kentucky, Kansas, and Ohio but not in Indiana or Missouri.
How far is the drive to where we will be hunting?
Some of our hunting is done by walking right out the back door and other farms are as far as 50 miles from the lodge but you better believe if we’re driving that far it’s for a good darn reason!
What's the nearest airport?
Do you all have Trophy Fees?
No we do not!
What happens if I shoot a buck too small?
That’s a great question. If you shoot a buck under the minimum of the farm you are hunting we charge you $300 per inch up to $1500. This money is used to lease more ground, plant more food plots, etc… to essentially replace the buck. Our antler restrictions ensure that every year you visit Whitetail Heaven you will have the opportunity to hunt big mature trophy bucks!